
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


My name is Michaela Roys and I am 21 years old, born and raised in Columbus Ohio. GO BUCKS! I am a senior psychology major at Olivet Nazarene University and apart of the cross country and track team. I am a huge family person and will take any chance I can get to be with the ones I love. 


Over the past few years a lot has changed in my life, from my majors changing to losing my dad to cancer and to now living in our “new normal”. However, the thing that has not changed in all of this is God’s love and plan for me. I have been praying about what God has instore for me after college. As many people will graduate and go straight into med school, master programs or getting a first job, I thought to myself what I wanted. Most importantly what God wanted. I have been planning on pursuing my masters in school counseling for about two years now, but after talking to my friends and family I have come to the conclusion that there is no rush for more schooling! 

The World Race is something I have been thinking about for years now, it started out being a dream but never entirely thinking it could be possible. I have finally decided to trust God and take a leap of faith like never before. The World Race is an 11-month Christian mission trip where I will be traveling to many different countries to meet the needs of various communities and spread the love and hope of Christ!

I am very excited to get started! I am also very nervous and a little terrified thinking about being away from family and friends for so long, however I know this is something God is calling me to do. It will be very challenging and there may be days I want to give up, but during those moments I will remind myself that God is in control and he is much bigger then my fears. 

Psalms 56:3 

When I am afraid, I will trust in You.

One response to “A Little About Me!”

  1. Amen sister!!!! I am so so excited for this dream God has placed on your heart and all He will do through you.